Widget – General setting

Corner radius

  Advanced corner radius styling Corner radius with custom CSS FeedWind allows for a standard corner radius of 4px (applied to all corners) in the General >Advanced Settings section of the setup screen. This is useful for a quick corner radius setting but for those who need radius settings to match design etc., a custom […]

Style settings

FeedWind style options in detail There are three basic styles for the FeedWind RSS widget. Text only, Text + Thumbnail, Card, Overlay, Full HTML Options to change these are in the General section of the setup screen. Text (RSS, Facebook, Twitter) Thumbnail (RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Large image (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Card (RSS) Overlay (RSS) HTML […]

Find, copy or delete a FeedWind widget

How to find your FeedWind widget HTML code snippet, delete an RSS widget or move it If you have created a FeedWind widget on a page or post and are not sure how to locate, remove, or copy it; you should be looking for some HTML code like the example at the bottom of this page (or […]

Reverse text feature

About the FeedWind reverse text feature FeedWind is a reversible-text RSS widget, supporting left-to-right and right-to-left text styles. This feature allows users the option to display reverse text languages in their RSS feed widget such as Arabic or Urdu. There are a number of languages which require right-to-left text functionality – Wikipedia has a list of […]

Feed title styling

Customizing the main title colors Feed title background color Standard colors are selected directly in the main Feed Title section by clicking on the color icons. When the Advanced Settings are opened, these icons disappear and full color pickers are available by clicking on the color icons. You can also enter a hexadecimal color into […]

Borders and corners

FeedWind uses the inherent functionality of CSS to allow greater control over the visual makeup of a feed along with changes like coloring and fonts. Managing Borders With CSS Default Border A grey border is drawn around your RSS widget by default. You can also remove the default border in the Advanced settings tab in […]

Specify container dimensions

Contents1 Specifying widget container dimensions1.1 Container widths1.1.1 1. Fixed number of pixels (px)1.1.2 2. Responsive (mobile-friendly) width1.2 Container heights1.2.1 1. Fixed number of pixels (px)1.2.2 2. Fixed number of feed items2 Custom container sizing using CSS2.1 Customize containers with percentage dimensions (responsive sizing)2.2 Using nested <div> example:2.3 Why not use a zoom command instead of a <div> […]

Display/Hide Feed Content & Titles

  The content display format for your RSS widget is controlled by settings made in the Feed Content section of the FeedWind setup screen. To see the effect of these settings, please refer to the examples below. Feed components RSS feeds are separated into a number of components: Main Header, Feed Item Titles and Feed Item […]

RSS Feed Aggregation

In many cases, it is convenient for users to add RSS feeds together into a single widget, so we have included this feature in FeedWind. It’s really easy to add multiple RSS feeds together. Just enter the URL’s and click on the + (plus) button. This can be repeated for multiple feeds which will be […]

Keyword Filtering

Filtering with keywords using RSS Using Include or Exclude keyword filters FeedWind has a feed filtering system that allows users to apply include and/or exclude filter content using specific keywords. For RSS (as with all widgets), keywords can be separated in the following ways: Using  a semicolon (;), as in: global warming;greenhouse gas;antarctic melt;co2; Using […]