Widget – General setting
Changing a Link Target in 3rd Party Content
We are often asked whether it is possible to change the link target for links in feeds. This article explains why we do not allow link targets to be changed using our interface. When a feed is published by a 3rd party (for example Reuters, BBC News or even a Facebook feed), there will be in […]
Beef Up Your Titles
Introducing a new feature to allow you to make titles bold in your FeedWind widgets. You can now make titles bold so they more visible to your users and/or match your website styling. It was already possible to bold titles by using a custom CSS but we thought it would be useful to many of our […]
FeedWind Analytics Feature
FeedWind’s Analytics feature is a mechanism for users to tally the amount of impressions received by a widget or feed. Impressions are how marketers and web content creators measure how much attention any given content generates for a site. These are usually numbers that show how many times a specific object of media passes the […]
Remove FeedWind Branding Logo “powered by feedwind”
how to remove the FeedWind Branding Logo into the widget
Preloaded Text
An official document detailing FeedWind’s Preloaded Text feature. Use this feature to show customized text on the loading screens for all feed widgets, including RSS, Google Calendar, and social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
Mixed Content Issue
HTTP is the standard protocol we’ve all seen countless times as we navigate the web. The ‘s’ in HTTPS stands for “secure”, meaning it is simply a secure version of HTTPS that generally uses encryption to protect data transmissions from external meddling. HTTPS is identified in modern browsers by a lock next to the page’s […]
Alternate Image Feature
This feature is only available on RSS, Facebook and Twitter widget. FeedWind shows thumbnails automatically when an RSS feed contains images in the URL. The Alternate Image feature is a way to manually enter URLs for images that aren’t embedded in the metadata, so users have control over which image is shown in the feed. […]
Using your web font via custom CSS
You can display your own Web font by using a custom CSS. However, sometimes you may see errors like this. As a result, your Web font will not apply to your widget.
Remove duplicate feed articles
If you are aggregating feeds, you may find that in some cases, duplicate feed articles appear in the feed. This can often occur where different feeds from a single source are used. For example, there are many news feed URLs from the same site covering different news topics. Quite frequently, when aggregating these feeds together; […]
Can I embed a FeedWind widget in an email?
No – You cannot include FeedWind (which is JavaScript-based) in an email Security issue: JavaScript and Cross-site Scripting FeedWind widgets are coded in JavaScript (.js) and for security reasons, .js cannot be included in an email. This is a security issue known as “cross-site scripting.” Although adding a .js snippet to your emails might seem […]