Widget – RSS
SEO and RSS feeds
Does RSS help my SEO? A hot topic for any website owner is that of SEO (search engine optimization). This is the ability of a site to rank highly for particular search terms in search engine results. If you do not rank well in search, you may be limiting your traffic considerably. Many efforts are […]
CDATA and other tags
WordPress – Issues with CDATA (and other unwanted) HTML tags in feed content. There is an issue with WordPress RSS whereby unwanted tags can occur in feed content. These look something like this example where a paragraph <p> tag has appeared: Hollywood Music Gossip <p>Justin Beebler was today present at the “Terrible Music Awards” in […]
Make a Podcast RSS widget
About podcast RSS feeds FeedWind can be used to display all types of information such as newsfeeds, video and images. It can also be used to distribute a popular online broadcasting method: the podcast. For those who have not come across them, a podcast is a new term derived from the popular iPod from Apple, […]
Use RSS for Social Networking
Using social network RSS feeds in FeedWind RSS feeds are often seen simply as a way to grab up-to-date official news from online news sources (such as the BBC or Reuters) or perhaps display the posts from a blog. Social networking using RSS is a convenient way to display a summary of your social content […]
Choosing your widget image size/type FeedWind supports automatic image scaling for feeds containing images of varying dimensions. This enables those using feeds with larger images to display them as a thumbnail without forcing the user to scroll or to only see part of the image. Images that occur in feed items at multiple sizes can […]
Getting started with Feedwind and RSS
Getting started – quick links The FeedWind setup screen explained Introduction to RSS How often does an RSS feed update? Finding the RSS feed URL The FeedWind code snippet Overview of the FeedWind setup screen sections We know that not everyone will understand exactly how a widget is created in the FeedWind setup page and/or exactly […]
Place multiple widgets on a web page
Multiple RSS widgets RSS feeds can be derived from multiple sites if you so wish, or from one site and separated by category or other filter. Any RSS feeds can be put together on a page or feeds chosen to relate to different pages on your site. The below image is not a real site but […]