Google Calendar widget timezone settings

  • Created : Aug, 25, 2017
  • Last Updated: Feb, 10, 2024

When you create a Google Calendar widget, it is important to check the time zone settings.

Your Google Calendar time zone may be different to our default time zone setting in your calendar widget . If this happens, you will find that the incorrect time/date is displayed in your Gcal widget. The discrepancy will be within 24 hours of the correct date. If the discrepancy is outside the 24 hour window, please contact us as this is most likely a different issue.

To correct this, open your widget for editing and scroll down to the Calendar Event section. Open the Advanced settings tab and locate the time zone settings.


Choose a suitable time zone and save your widget. When you update the page on which the widget is published or check the preview in the settings screen, you should now see the new time/date is correct.

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